sâmbătă, 22 noiembrie 2014

Свой среди чужих, чужой среди своих, или двуликий Генус

«ВЫ ЧЬИХ БУДЕТЕ?» Именно так хочется обратиться к господину Геннадию Абашкину, директору представительства ОАО «Газпром» в Молдове



„KONTORA ABAŞKINIANĂ” sau Un basm despre koroleviciul gazelor

В газете пишется, что сбылись уже давно мечты моего родственника (Абашкина), который меня репрессировал, 
сделал невменяемым и лишил незаконно свободы на 2 года. Он уже давно распоряжается миллиардами долларов, делает всё что захочет и имеет всё что мечтал.

sâmbătă, 16 august 2014

Categorical refusal to transfer money from FLD Fwd: Grant application

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Louise O'Connor <louise@frontlinedefenders.org>
Date: Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 6:41 PM
Subject: Grant application
To: bogaciov@australia.edu

Dear Vladislav

Thanks for this application. Unfortunately our grants programme has
strict criteria which mean that we cannot fund ongoing living costs for
human rights defenders. But if you visit our webpage
https://www.frontlinedefenders.org/security-grants-programme and have a
look at the sexual minorities section, you may be able to find an
organisation that could help.

Best wishes


Louise O'Connor
Grants Coordinator
Front Line Defenders
Grattan House
Temple Road
Tel: +353(0)12123750
Fax: +35312121001
Website: www.frontlinedefenders.org
Registered Charity No: CHY 14029

Follow Front Line Defenders on Twitter: @FrontLineHRD

miercuri, 13 august 2014

Главный коррупционер и кумир ЛГБТ сообщества Молдовы награжден высшей Церковной наградой

30 декабря, активно продвигавший закон об особом статусе педерастов и снятый с должности за коррупцию, экс Премьер-министр Влад Филат был награжден одной из высших Церковных наград, "Орденом Признательности". Награду вручал Митрополит Кишиневский Владимир
Как написано на официальном сайте Молдавско-Кишиневской Митрополии, орден был вручен Филату: "за множество добрых дел, которые сделал Филат для Православной Церкви в Молдове (именно Филат активно продвигал т.н. закон о равенстве шансов, который фактически установил особый статус педерастов и лесбиянок, а также узаконил пропаганду гомосексуализма среди несовершеннолетних), реконструкцию монастыря Курки (наблюдательный совет по реконструкции и реставрации монастырского комплекса "Курки" был учрежден в 2006 г. Президентом Ворониным) и многих других религиозных общин по всей стране, вклад в организацию визита Святейшего Патриарха Кирилла в нашу страну, поддержку в содержании епархий Молдавской Митрополии, таких как Единецкой и Бричанской, Кагульской и Комратской, и Унгенской и Ниспоренской, помощь для пострадавшим в селе Cotul Morii и других селах пострадавших от наводнения в летом 2010 года (в свое время Правительство Филата отказалось возмещать убытки аграриям в селах, пострадавших от наводнений 2010, а также не раскрыты обстоятельства по которым наводнение вообще произошло, по одной из версий, дамба была взорвана дабы обезопасить румынские города расположенные ниже по течению Прута, согласно той же версии приказ на врыв дамбы отдал именно Филат), а также за другие благотворительные и духовные заслуги".

Главный коррупционер и кумир ЛГБТ сообщества Молдовы награжден высшей Церковной наградой
Разместил: gavrilovpavell

The second LGBT organization in Moldova? 2-я ЛГБТ организация в Молдове - офис Аркадия?

Centrele Comunitare de Sănătate Mintală reprezintă veriga principală a Serviciului Integrat de Sănătate Mintală. Acestea vor fi amplasate în fiecare raion al republicii, în municipii și vor oferi persoanelor cu probleme de sănătate mintală asistență medicală consultativă de evaluare, prevenire și depistare precoce, reabilitare psihosocială, suport, mediere în relațiile cu familia și comunitatea.
Tensiunile sociale, nivelul scăzut de viaţă, destrămarea familiilor şi migraţia, sunt principalii factori ce condiţionează creşterea în ultimii ani a numărului de persoane cu afecţiuni mintale. Morbiditatea prin tulburări mintale şi de comportament este în creştere în Republica Moldova, conform studiului „Starea sănătăţii mintale a populaţiei”.
În Republica Moldova sunt înregistraţi oficial 95 803 de bolnavi cu tulburări mintale şi de comportament, acest număr fiind mai mare cu circa 11 mii faţă de 2004, când erau peste 85 de mii de bolnavi. Circa 59% din numărul total al persoanelor cu probleme de sănătate mintală sunt bărbaţi. Rămâne înaltă rata îmbolnăvirii cu afecţiuni mintale printre copii – 19,8 la sută din numărul total al bolnavilor. Cel mai frecvent, populaţia suferă de tulburării mintale şi de comportament cu caracter nepsihotic (47%); de retard mintal (31,5 la sută); de schizofrenie şi tulburări delirante (circa 12%).
Sistemul de sănătate mintală din Republica Moldova este acum în proces de reformare care presupune între altele constituirea unei reţele de centre comunitare de sănătate mintală.
Un astfel de Centru deja a fost creat în sectorul Botanica al capitalei, în vecinătatea CMF nr.2. În acest scop se conturează o colaborare fructuoasă între Direcția Sănătății, Asociația Medicală Teritorială Botanica și Centrul respectiv –  fapt tradus în viață de conducătorii acestor instituții – Mihai Moldovanu, Ion Nogai și Arcadie Astrahan.
La 24 iulie curent am vizitat Centrul de la Botanica și m-am convins că pe lângă serviciile consultative în condiții de ambulator, angajații centrului urmează să acorde servicii de asistență mobilă la domiciliu și de soliționare a crizelor. Beneficiarii centrului pot fi atât nu doar adulții, dar și copiii. La moment în centru se deserveau persoane în situații de criză, inclusiv care au avut un trecut legat de consumul de droguri și alte vicii sociale. Centrul oferă și condiții de bucătărie, de spălătorie și adăpost pe timp de noapte. Echipa multidisciplinară include la moment. un pshiholog, un logoped un asistent social. Necesitățile în sectorul Botanica sunt destul de mari și un astfel de cenru va spori eforturile de adezvolta o comunitate durabilă.
01 03 04 05 06


3 comentarii

marți, 5 august 2014

Metropolitan Community Churches

METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY CHURCHES DENOMINATIONAL OFFICES. Each Metropolitan Community Church is locally founded, locally governed and locally supported.


Our Churches

Metropolitan Community Churches is a findachurchcongregationally-led denomination which, as of 2011, celebrates the presence of affiliated churches, worshiping groups, and missions in 37 Nations. Starting with one group of 12 in Los Angeles in 1968, MCC now has 172 churches throughout the world, 50 church starts and 12 special ministries.
A Church-Led Denomination
MCC began as a fellowship of churches, each church linked to another through affiliation as an open and inclusive body.  Collectively, MCC churches offer a picture of Christianity and religion which celebrates God’s diverse creativity.  At our foundation, MCC brings to bear the co-existence and complementary relationship of sexuality and spirituality; initially bringing the message of God’s love to homosexual persons.  As MCC’s message of love and inclusion in God’s creation brought our churches into a variety of countries and cultures, our particular devotion to human rights and justice extended our gospel message to issues of human sexuality, gender identity, race, poverty, and more.
The Church as Individual
Each Metropolitan Community Church is locally founded, locally governed and locally supported.  Congregations determine their own bylaws and governance, receiving guidance from the denominational offices.  The process of affiliation ensures that the local MCC, by congregant consensus, affirm MCC’s Core Values.
The Church as Fellowship
The MCC denominational offices, the administrative and spiritual arm of our collective fellowship, maintains global ministries, programs and missions.  MCC’s Board of Elders, elected denominational leaders, provide local churches with both spiritual and administrative guidance for healthy church life in local settings.
Press/Media questions, please click here for more information about MCC.
Mailing Address:Metropolitan Community Churches
Post Office Box 50488
Sarasota, Florida 34232     USA
Website: http://www.MCCchurch.orgGeneral information email: info@MCCchurch.net
Main Office Telephone: (310) 360-8640
Main Office Fax: (310) 388-1252 
Facebook: facebook.com/MCCchurch      Twitter: twitter.com/MCCchurch_

The Spectrum  - A Guide to Services Provided by MCC Elders and Staff

The Spectrum is MCC’s newest staff resource for member churches, church leaders and members, providing a directory of available services from the Elders and denomination staff. You can view this resource online by flipping through the pages below or download and save to your computer and print to have available for your church staff and members. Check periodically for updated versions.
Spectrum will return.


(grouped by department)


Rev. Elder Nancy WilsonModerator
(941) 755-5771 
Linda Brenner-BecksteadAssistant to the Moderator
(941) 321-7886 
Sharon Cox LudwigSharonCox@MCCchurch.net 
Rev. Elder Arlene AckermanRevArleneAckerman@MCCchurch.net 
Marina LawsExecutive Assistant and Program Support
Office of Formation & Leadership Development,
Fund Development & Moderator’s Development Team
(484) 885-8842 


Rev. Elder Dr. Mona WestDirector of Formation and Leadership Development
RevMonaWest@MCCchurch.net(484) 885-8842  
Rev. Dr. Kharma AmosAssociate Director of Formation and Leadership Development
(571) 243-3506 
Marina LawsExecutive Assistant and Program Support
Office of Formation & Leadership Development,
Fund Development & Moderator’s Development Team
(484) 885-8842 


Rev. Tony FreemanRevTonyFreeman@MCCchurch.net 
Kay HaleAdministrative Assistant
KayHale@MCCchurch.net(972) 653-2735 
Rev. Stedney PhillipsChurch Life Specialist
RevStedneyPhillips@MCCchurch.net(562) 619-2032 


Rev. Elder Darlene Garner
(210) 380-7881 
Shannon YoungConfidential Assistant to Rev. Elder Darlene Garner
Angel CollieProgram Assistant / Transgender Ministries
(919) 671-3131 
Rev. Vickey GibbsCurriculum Specialist
RevVickeyGibbs@MCCChurch.net(281) 940-1558 
Rev. Elder Hector GutierrezAssociate Director
(626) 376-9915 
Rev. Cristiano ValerioBrazil Coordinator


Barb CrabtreeDirector of Operations
(678) 438-9972 
Jason O’NeillNetwork Support
(508) 246-8416 
Carlos ChavezDirector of Global Community Building
(310) 489-3899 
Tammy ErwinAccountant
(325) 754-0851 
Bill HooperAdministrator Board of Pensions
(310) 625-4134 
Jennifer JusticeDirector of Global Community Building
(213) 447-2953 
Chris BakerProgram Support/Data Analyst/Website

RE: Psiho & Social report about my life and activities.

От кого:"Arcadie Astrahan" <arcadie.astrahan@psiho-social.md> 
Кому:'Владислав Богачёв' <jecku@mail.ru>, sbigor@mail.ru
Копия:alterego27@mail.ru, 'Юрии смирнов' <smirnovmc87@mail.ru>, "'Dima Ceban'" <avatarcik1@mail.ru>, "'Petru Moscaliuc'" <petru.moscaliuc@gmail.com>, "'sergiu99'" <sergiu99@list.ru>, "'office'" <office@gazprom.md>
3 августа, 15:51
Дорогой Слава,
Я с большой неприязнью прочитал твое творение (глава 1). У меня совсем другие виденья н веру, Бога, нечистого и так далее. Мне искренне жаль что у тебя наверное из-за болезни такие темные мысли и темная душа.
А про проекты, не вводи людей в заблуждение – я просто попросил чтобы ты привел хотя бы один пример проекта который ты внедрил – и ты не смог мне ничего рассказать находя множество отговорок. Я не говорил никогда что я не верю что ты что-то сделал.
Я искренне предлагаю тебе быть честным самим с собой и принять помощь наших специалистов. И пожалуйста не присылай мне больше свои статьи про сатану, мне становиться еще более жаль твоей системы ценностей, несмотря на те образы в которые ты ее облачаешь.


From: Владислав Богачёв [mailto:jecku@mail.ru]
Sent: Sunday, August 3, 2014 2:42 PM
To: sbigor@mail.ru
Cc: alterego27@mail.ru; Юрии смирнов; Dima Ceban; Arcadie Astrahan; Petru Moscaliuc; sergiu99; office
Subject: Psiho & Social report about my life and activities.

Privet Igor!
На основании реализованных мной многочисленных благотворительных проектов и моего опыта взаимодействия с различными церквями я написал работу, котрая называется:
Черновик первой главы из книги"По воли Божьей" ("The Will of God").
Что есть Истина, высшая справедливость, Божественная Любовь и мерзость
перед Богом?
Готов сделать на одном из собраний краткий доклад по этим темам.
А пока что я нищий бомж и руководитель организации, где я год уже работаю волонтёром Аркадий Астрахан искренне считает, что за всю мою жизнь я не внедрил ни одного проекта и ничего не умею.
Владислав Богачёв, so, I ask your assistance in my case. And hope to hear from you soon.
Sincerily yours Vladislav Gheorghe Bogaciov. Мun.Chisinau, piata Unirii Principatelor 1, ap.112 A.
My mobile phone: 061145113, 022-51-26-74.  B/i A03174716, eliberat de of.03 04 octombrie an.2012, Republic of Moldova. 

duminică, 3 august 2014

Новый глава миссии ОБСЕ прибыл в Молдову. А кто координатор ЛГБТ в Молдове?

В Кишиневе вступил в должность новый глава миссии ОБСЕ в Молдове посол Майкл Скэнлан, информирует МОЛДПРЕС

«Это назначение — честь для меня и я рад перспективе работы с ОБСЕ в Молдове. Несмотря на недавние тревожные события в регионе и все стоящие перед нами вызовы, я уверен, что мы можем продолжать работать в направлении урегулирования приднестровского конфликта со всеми участниками переговорного процесса в формате “5+2”. Миссия ОБСЕ в Молдове будет продолжать прикладывать усилия для содействия демократии, процветанию и стабильности на обоих берегах Днестра, в соответствии с нашим мандатом, утвержденным 57 государствами – участниками», – заявил Скэнлан.
В середине сентября в Вене чиновник примет участие в следующем раунде переговоров в формате «5+2».
Как указано в пресс-релизе миссии ОБСЕ в Молдове, Скэнлан обладает обширным опытом работы в Восточной Европе и постсоветских странах. До своего назначения в качестве главы миссии ОБСЕ в Молдове, Скэнлан в течение 23 лет служил в Госдепартаменте, в последнее время в качестве Директора по делам Восточной Европы в Вашингтоне и поверенного в делах в посольстве США в Минске.
Скэнлан сменит на этом посту посла Дженнифер Браш, которая завершила работу в миссии ОБСЕ в Молдове в начале июля.

Посол Украины в Республике Молдова Сергей Пирожков вручил памятные медали ветеранам Великой Отечественной войны, которые принимали участие в освобождении Одессы от немецко-фашистских захватчиков

Sergiu Pirojkov. http://www.noi.md/ru/news_id/37524
Gay-friendly guy or homofob?
Примет ли меня господин Пирожков с его гомоагрессорными и евро-ненависническими подходами.
8 мая, 15:11
По случаю 70-летия освобождения Одессы от немецко-фашистских захватчиков руководство Одесской области передало памятные знаки и подарки участникам боевых действий по освобождению города, которые сейчас проживают в Кишиневе - Николаю Филипповичу Александрову и Вячеславу Георгиевичу Перемытые. В Посольстве Украины в Республике Молдова состоялась встреча ветеранов с представителями Посольства, а также официальная церемония вручения указанных памятных знаков и подарков.

Последние фото

Празднование 20-летия со дня образования Благотворительного фонда профессиональных художников, украинских народных мастеров Молдовы «Возрождение» | 07 февраля, 17:18

joi, 31 iulie 2014

Письмо адресованное Нине Поповой про проблемы и неприятности в день моего рожденья. La ziua mea.

birthday. Fwd:
От кого:LGBTQIHR Defender Vlad Bogaciov <lgbt.moldova@gmail.com> 
Кому:Nina Popova <naominisan37@yahoo.com>
Копия:petru.moscaliuc@psiho-social.md, office@gazprom.md, mariat@frontlinedefenders.org
Сегодня, 14:40
Привет Нина!
Не надо впадать в беспамятство, так как сегодня мой день рожденья. 
А у меня всё по-старому. Денег нет, надо переезжать от Валеры. С ним постоянно ругаюсь и договорились, что я 1-го августа переезжаю к одним знакомым. Которые живут в парке Валя морилор в вагончике. Аркадий квартиру так и не сделал.
Грант я пока не получил, так как во-первых я не открыл счёт в Евро, а во-вторых у меня истёк срок годности паспорта. 
Так что пока нет паспорта, я не смогу ничего получить, даже пенсию, которая по идее должна быть завтра. 
Есть шанс, что целый месяц пока не будет паспорта придётся шататься по мусоркам и церквям без денег. 
Так что 10 килограм гречки, которые я могу от вас забрать будут кстати.
Могу придти любой день с одним товарищем Юрой к Вам, вас ему представлю и вы с ним познакомитесь. будете иметь друга, о котором мечтали. Заодно и заберём от вас гречку, А может и что-то ещё вкусное. Так как я целыми днями голодный и злой.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nina Popova <popova_nina@list.ru>
Date: 2014-07-31 14:16 GMT+03:00
To: "LGBT.Moldova" <lgbt.moldova@gmail.com>
Cc: Славик Богачёв <slavic.jecku@gmail.com>, "lgbtqi@gmx.com" <lgbtqi@gmx.com>

   Не знаю как подступиться, вы открыто меня не жалуете, а мне  всегда хотелось полного доверия.   Дождусь ли когда-нибудь   3 "Д" :  Доверия  (но не диверсии как с мобильником),  Дружбы  и  Добродетели  ???   Но не обо мне речь.  Пусть ваш Праздник никогда не кончается !!!   Будьте всегда  Красивым,  Умным  и Немножечко  добрее  к  любящим вас  --   тогда уж точно  никогда не постареете.   Успехов вам в любви и в деньгах  !!!   Купайтесь в Счастье  (раз другого вы не умеете)  !!!   Кажется  "лёд тронулся", если вы захлопнулись.  Пусть всегда и  всё  у вас будет только по - вашему !!!   Когда можно порадоваться за вас, то   не смею возникать, удаляюсь.                     

Nina Popova

Lost records of my application form. Fwd: Extreme poverty and LGBT defenders in Moldova.

От кого:Vladislav Gheorghe Bogaciov <bogaciov@australia.edu> 
Кому:FLD Grants <grants@frontlinedefenders.org>
Копия:info@frontlinedefenders.org, ccahn@ohchr.org, Chichtchenkova <masha@frontlinedefenders.org>, asia.europe@frontlinedefenders.org, Arcadie Astrahan <arcadie.astrahan@undp.org>, elena.nofit@nediscriminare.md, ana.furtuna@nediscriminare.md, evghenii.golosceapov@undp.org, oxana gumennaia <oxanagumennaya@gmail.com>, legal@amnesty.md, aparat@cnajgs.md, straisteanu_doina@hotmail.com, secretariat@mmpsf.gov.md, srextremepoverty@ohchr.org, bobbie.traut@civilrightsdefenders.org
Сегодня, 14:01
2 файла
Hello dear Louise!
Todat is my birthday, but i have no money nor to celebrate neither to change my location.
But I need to work hard to survive...
Last year, the 27-th of December I 've got a letter from Maria Chichtchenkova <masha@frontlinedefenders.org> (Protection Coordinator for Eastern Europe and Central Asia) containing a proposal (such as yours) to submit an application for a Front Line Defenders Security Grant.
I contacted to her several times by mail and sent an application. This proposal is attached to my letter.
My letter containing an application form for a FLD ( 10 May 2014)  is exposed on this link: 
Additional information to an application form for a Front Line Defenders Security Grant sent by date: 2014-05-10 6:58 GMT+03:00
The 21 of may I recieved a FLD's responce  from Maria Chichtchenkova <masha@frontlinedefenders.org> which is attached to this letter (Re: надеюсь на Вашу помощь). She confirmed in this responce that my application accepted and transmitted to grant's department for examination.
Later on phone she also twice confirmed that fact.
Now I've got from you a repeated grant's paperwork request?
Maybe it's her blunder maybe grant's manager didn't checked and fixed the records.
So, I asked a small, motiveted  and reasonable sum (ammount).
I guess that you 'll find my application and will contact to me.
If not I can double resend it to your e-mail attaching these 9 files confirmed the facts that I was a political prisoner, aggressed many times physically for LGBT propaganda  living 9 years in detention or in conditions of extreme poverty.
So, I ask your assistance in my case. And hope to hear from you soon.
Sincerily yours Vladislav Gheorghe Bogaciov. Мun.Chisinau, piata Unirii Principatelor 1, ap.112 A. My mobile phone: 061145113, 022-51-26-74.  B/i A03174716, eliberat de of.03 04 octombrie an.2012, Republic of Moldova. http://lgbtmoldova.blogspot.com/

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: FLD Grants <grants@frontlinedefenders.org>
Date: Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 12:47 PM
Subject: Re: Extreme poverty and LGBT defenders in Moldova.
To: Vladislav Gheorghe Bogaciov <bogaciov@australia.edu>
Cc: info@frontlinedefenders.org, ccahn@ohchr.org

Dear Vladislav

I am afraid that we do not have a record of your application. You can
apply online via our website in English
https://www.frontlinedefenders.org/security-grants-programme , and we
also have a Russian form if that is useful to you

Kind regards


Louise O'Connor
Grants Assistant
Front Line Defenders
Grattan House
Temple Road
Tel: +353(0)12123750
Fax: +35312121001
Website: www.frontlinedefenders.org
Registered Charity No: CHY 14029

Follow Front Line Defenders on Twitter: @FrontLineHRD

Все файлы проверены, вирусов нет

sâmbătă, 26 iulie 2014

About the Moldovan homeless people as me. Open letter from poor homeless about human rights in the Republic of Moldova.

От кого:"WSNIDTFBW Bros" <WSNIDTFBW@gmx.us> 
Копия:arcadie.astrahan@undp.org, srfood@ohchr.org, xcelaya@ohchr.org, luis.zaqueu@one.un.org
11 сентября 2013, 19:18
Dear Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights Ms. Maria Magdalena SEPÚLVEDA CARMONA!
Dear ladies and gentlemen!
I was glad to meet you.
I liked the issue on this link: http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=45021#.UjCRUFIhS_I
My name is Vladislav Gheorghe Bogaciov.
I was born on July, 31st, 1969. I'm 43 years old.
I live in the Republic of Moldova.
Before I was a successful financial manager...
Worked as tax planning adviser.
I was a wealthy businessman, had 11 real estate properties in Chisinau,
that now cost approximately 1 EUR mln.
So, 10 years ago I was rich and had money, but I had a revelation from
St. Nicholas the Miracle Worker.
Saint Nicholas of Myra (whom we know as Santa Claus),
who came to me as living spiritual creature.
I'm not a clairvoyant and I can not see the Future.
The essence of the testimony was:
St.Niсholas appeared to awake during day time, as a boy, young, and
said that it is easier for a camel to crawl through the eye of a
needle than a rich man into heaven, and said that I should spend all
of their assets in the upgrading projects of world Christianity and
Orthodox Christianity - and then after death will live in paradise.
I was an Orthodox Christian
and spent all I had for different charitable projects and monasteries.
And now I am homeless and a beggar.
I feel completely helpless and to work hard I am now completely unable
to. Sorry!
Previously, I was sure that I get to heaven.
And now I doubt that I was there waiting for the next world.
I have no money to live, not place to stay. I feel bad and unable to work.
I'm preparing for death, but I'm afraid to die...
Shall I die soon...?
I need help, help me, please!
10 years ago I had on my personal accounts
more than 200.000 dollars.
But I was forced (under emotional pressure) invest this money
in the charitable Christian project "st.Nicholas informative program ",
legally registered in the Republic of Moldova as NGO (NGO "st.Nicholas
informative program", "Trei Sfinti", "Treiunial").
They generated different movement, creating various arrogant actions & ideas
and have spent all. And now I do not have money for life, in general.
I asked the Lord, Principal God, Who is the Supreme, Superior Being,
Uppermost Force and the Owner of the Universe, all my spiritual and
physical friends, Christian saints and angels,
my guardian angels, Near & Dear Close to me reasonable spiritual
Creatures (Beings) to help me and to save me!
I'd like to die without tortures and sufferings in the night time,
to fall asleep and not to wake up.
After my physical death I'd like to live in constant friendship and
communication with Creatures Who love me and help me.
I shall be grateful for any help and assistance!
I must keep on loving God when human happiness is lost. It's the
rejecting of everything that prevents love: hatred, offence, blame and
It's to see the will of God in everything which is around.
Sure, I accept the will of God & its divine positive meaning, which is
not always dependent on Me.
I understand the fact that any situation, however unjust and horrible
it may be, leads Me to God and hence to love. It's a must!
There're many options, variants, ways to earn money - but in my case
it doesn't turn out...
Ghenady Abashkin, my cuisine - JSC "Moldova-gaz" former chairman,
who is a rich and successful businessman, controlling national
moldovan debt for gaz in total
amount of 2,8 billion US dollars. Alexander Gusev has replaced
Gennady Abashkin at the post of Chairman of the Board of Moldovagaz, a
Moldo-Russian joint-stock company. Gusev's candidature was proposed by
the Government of Moldova, after the second mandate of Gennady
Abashkin had expired on July 29. Abashkin came to Moldovagaz Board in
2001. Before that, he had held a senior post at Relsoft Communications
for 10 years. Now his personal assets are valued at 200 million US$.
But I have lice and don't have where to sleep at night-time.
A month ago I was severely beaten in the house of my girl-friend
Aurica Latescu (47 Calarash str., Chisinau) by two bandits Mihai and
Adrian. After it I spent several weeks at a hospital and recently came
And I'm in very complicated situation because of the
lack of money.
Yes I am; it has turned out, since I became an orphan,
that my situation has got hard & tough.
To regret my cousin Ghenady Abashkin, millionaire,
Moldova-gaz former chairman,
and his wife, Natalia Patranica (Abashkina),
the prime business woman,
Miss Business-Woman of 2004,
of last year here in Moldova,
the owner and mistress of fashion shops like "Fashion avenue", MEXX Worldwide
in Moldova, refused to help.
They accused me that I support LGBT community.
I have to work hard to survive. I appealed to them many times.
I am without the certain residence, spend night in apartments of my
friends or in the Internet-cafe,
or sometimes in the shelter (house) for homeless people.
And I eat sometimes a long loaf and pair of onion or garlic per day.
But it is necessary to survive.
And any incomes somehow are blocked on and stopped, and it linked with
my relatives, karma of my family.
It's happiness to be a mentally and physically healthy individual.
But practically every time I think to find some job option I feel that
enemies are inside of me.
Karma structures (programs) (linked and related to my cousin)
working steadily me to be beggar and poor and getting him way to be richer.
If I could delete all this programs, I easily could be wealthy person.
But I'm very tired & would like to find out a concrete decision of my
problem. But i can not!
Oleg Voronin, a son of former Moldovan president, is a close friend of my cousin.
Apart from Oleg Voronin's FinComBank,
he also owns a large publishing empire with some of the best-known media titles in Chisinau under his control.
And the list of companies which belong to Voronin is longer than just FinComBank and his publishing interests. It includes Garling Collection, Jolly Allon, Zahar,
Transline (shipping), Orbit (sale of sugar and medicine),
Trimol (passport manufacturing),
M.S.I. Trading Company (din Iasi - Romania), Metal Market, MedAzur, Andys Pizza,
Boena Group and a number of others.
So I can explain everything and answer you
requests in English.
Maybe you could understand this topic and propose some help.
Perhaps such prominent and glamurous moldovan public figures as Vlad
Filat, Vladimir Plahotniuc, Nicolae Ciornii, Alexandr Pincevschii,
Valeriu Passat, Gabliel & Anatol Stati, Oleg & Vladimir Voronin, Mihai
Hotineanu must help me?
I shall be gratefull for any help and assistance!Sincerily yours Vladislav Gheorghe Bogaciov. My mobile phone: 078395107, 022-51-26-74.
b/i A03174716, eliberat de of.03 04 octombrie an.2012, Republic of Moldova.

Ответ из Ирландии о том, что они не находят отправленную мной 3 месяца назад заявку на грант. Fwd: Extreme poverty and LGBT defenders in Moldova.

От кого:Vladislav Gheorghe Bogaciov <bogaciov@australia.edu> 
Кому:Chichtchenkova <masha@frontlinedefenders.org>
Копия:petru.moscaliuc@psiho-social.md, smirnovmc87@mail.ru
Вчера, 15:23
Repeated grant's paperwork request?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: FLD Grants <grants@frontlinedefenders.org>
Date: Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 12:47 PM
Subject: Re: Extreme poverty and LGBT defenders in Moldova.
To: Vladislav Gheorghe Bogaciov <bogaciov@australia.edu>
Cc: info@frontlinedefenders.org, ccahn@ohchr.org

Dear Vladislav

I am afraid that we do not have a record of your application. You can
apply online via our website in English
https://www.frontlinedefenders.org/security-grants-programme , and we
also have a Russian form if that is useful to you

Kind regards


On 23/07/2014 09:40, Vladislav Gheorghe Bogaciov wrote:
> Dear Mary Lawlor*!*
> *I address to you as to mother, Founder and Executive Director of Front
> Line Defenders.*
> *Could you inform me somehow about the fact of  acceptance of the
> application form sent by me.*
> *I transfer you a copy of data sent: *
> *From: LGBTQIHR Defender Vlad Bogaciov <lgbt.moldova@gmail.com
> <https://e.mail.ru/compose/?mailto=mailto%3algbt.moldova@gmail.com>>*
> * Date: 2014-05-10 6:58 GMT+03:00Subject: *
> *Application form for security grant with the explanatory notes.To: Maria
> Chichtchenkova <masha@frontlinedefenders.org
> <https://e.mail.ru/compose/?mailto=mailto%3amasha@frontlinedefenders.org>>*
> *Maybe smth wrong there?*
> Later, the 14 of june 2014, I sent another letter containing additional
> info and list of references of mine:
> Additional information to an application form for a Front Line Defenders
> Security Grant sent by date: 2014-05-10 6:58 GMT+03:00
> От кого:*LGBTQIHR Defender Vlad Bogaciov* <lgbt.moldova@gmail.com> Кому:Maria
> Chichtchenkova <masha@frontlinedefenders.org>Копия:Юрии смирнов <
> smirnovmc87@mail.ru>
> 14 июня, 16:30 - attached 9 файлов.
> *I read some articles and news about your activity and expressed very much:*
> *https://www.facebook.com/FrontLineDefenders/posts/529730157122744
> <https://www.facebook.com/FrontLineDefenders/posts/529730157122744>
> http://www.frontlinedefenders.org/taxonomy/term/116
> <http://www.frontlinedefenders.org/taxonomy/term/116>https://www.facebook.com/FrontLineDefenders/posts/328974400515528
> <https://www.facebook.com/FrontLineDefenders/posts/328974400515528>
> https://ie.linkedin.com/pub/mary-lawlor/8/214/822
> <https://ie.linkedin.com/pub/mary-lawlor/8/214/822>https://twitter.com/MaryLawlorFL
> <https://twitter.com/MaryLawlorFL>http://www.awid.org/Library/Founder-and-Executive-Director-of-Front-Line-Defenders-Mary-Lawlor-receives-Legion-d-Honneur-from-French-Government
> assistance.*
> *Copy of this letter I send to
> <https://www.facebook.com/claudecahn?hc_location=timeline>Claude Cahn
> <https://www.facebook.com/claudecahn?hc_location=timeline> [image: United
> Nations] <https://www.facebook.com/pages/United-Nations/105991762765880>*
> United Nations
> <https://www.facebook.com/pages/United-Nations/105991762765880> - executive
> coordinator of OHCHR
> https://www.facebook.com/claudecahn?fref=ts
> * <claude.cahn@one.un.org>claude.cahn@one.un.org <claude.cahn@one.un.org>,
> ccahn@ohchr.org <ccahn@ohchr.org>,*
> *a*nd to Arcadie Astrahan -
> https://www.facebook.com/arcadie.astrahan?fref=ts
> <https://www.facebook.com/arcadie.astrahan>
> *Arcadie Astrahan <arcadie.astrahan@undp.org
> <arcadie.astrahan@undp.org>>.Also to my friend Jolijn Santegoeds -
> tekeertegendeisoleer@hotmail.com <tekeertegendeisoleer@hotmail.com>*
> *And to legal adviser (lawyer) Petru Moscaliuc.*
> *Sincerily yours Vladislav Gheorghe BogaciovMy favourite song - *
> *http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikDMaiy5a6Y
> http://lgbtmoldova.blogspot.com/ <http://lgbtmoldova.blogspot.com/>*
> *Мun.Chisinau, piata Unirii Principatelor 1, ap.112 A.
> <https://www.facebook.com/notone0> My mobile phone: 061145113,
> 022-92-15-48. B/i A03174716, eliberat de of.03 04 octombrie an.2012,
> Republic of Moldova.My personal contact information is listed above. * *I
> thank you in advance for your cooperation, and I look forward to hearing
> from you.*
>  *https://twitter.com/HiJecku <http://lgbtmoldova.blogspot.com/>*
> * http://www.facebook.com/notone0
> <https://www.gmx.com/dereferrer/?target=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fnotone0%26lang%3D&lang=en>
> http://panteleimon-43.narod.ru/index/0-3
> <http://panteleimon-43.narod.ru/index/0-3>
> http://slavic-jecku.narod.ru/index/0-2
> <http://slavic-jecku.narod.ru/index/0-2>*
> *http://my.mail.ru/mail/jecku/ <http://my.mail.ru/mail/jecku/>*
> *https://app.box.com/s/r5q5mfi8xz1hhdfzncne/6/1252249842
> <https://app.box.com/s/r5q5mfi8xz1hhdfzncne/6/1252249842>*
> *http://www.odnoklassniki.ru/profile/561739846834
> <http://www.odnoklassniki.ru/profile/561739846834>*
> Initiative of Rehabilitation Azylum for homeless, aggressed and suffered of
> extreme poverty persons of LGBTQI community in Moldova. Центр-приют для лиц
> ЛГБТ без жилья, избитых ранее и проживающих в настоящее время в условиях
> крайней нищеты. http://azylummoldova.blogspot.com/

Louise O'Connor
Grants Assistant
Front Line Defenders
Grattan House
Temple Road
Tel: +353(0)12123750
Fax: +35312121001
Website: www.frontlinedefenders.org
Registered Charity No: CHY 14029

Follow Front Line Defenders on Twitter: @FrontLineHRD