miercuri, 22 ianuarie 2014

My open letter to Alexei Petrovici Marcicov (LGBT leader from Moldova about my problems). "About LGBT and human rights in the Republic of Moldova from poor homeless HR defender..."

От кого:Владислав Богачёв <jecku@mail.ru> 
Копия:psychologist@lgbt.md, ed@gay.ru, gilka.k <gilka.k@gmail.com>, info@amnesty.md, cpdom@mdl.net, apdi@humanitas.md, mcfarlane <mcfarlane@unfpa.org>, mobilization@amnesty.md, iglhrc@iglhrc.org, info@frontlinedefenders.org, euoffice@frontlinedefenders.org, paula.redondo@osce.org, moldova@osce.org, registry.md@undp.org
24 декабря 2013, 15:05
Здравствуйте Алексей Петрович! Hello dear friends and brothers!
The UNDP experts say us: "Through the Millennium Development Goals the world is addressing the many dimensions of human development, including halving by 2015 the proportion of people living in extreme poverty.
UNDP promotes the concept of human poverty as a complement to income poverty, emphasizing that equity, social inclusion, women's empowerment, and respect for human rights matter for poverty reduction."
I try to promote the LGBTQI approaches to all the UNDP projects at the moment, working as volunteer at Mental Health Assistance Group of Arcadie Astrahan and Alina Grigoras.
For 15 year I supported the LGBTQI movement, proceeding the first Moldovan gay-escort. 
The whole my life I tried to defend my HR and
 the human rights of those persecuted or imprisoned for being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. 
I looked thru the sites of our friends, the int. LGBT community, of our bros from West: 
They  all, as me and you, try to defend the human rights of those persecuted or imprisoned for being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, of all those who suffered a lot as me. For many years, being a defender of human rights, having the extended network of victims all over the world,
i prevented violence against LGBT people, helped people to ensure human rights for everyone, everywhere!
But for 9 years I'm a poor homeless person and I need urgently to
  submit an application for a Front Line Defenders Security Grant. 
I send a copy of this letter also to http://www.frontlinedefenders.org/ru/
I shall be gratefull for any help and assistance! 
Ghenady Abashkin, my cuisine - JSC "Moldova-gaz" former chairman,
who is an acting general director at the representation of "GAZPROM" in the Republic of Moldova refused to help me. 
He and his wife accused me that I support LGBT community. 
I have to work hard to survive. I appealed to them many times. 
I am without the certain residence.
Last year in october I was severely beaten in the house of my fomer girl-friend, Aurica Latescu (47 Calarash str., Sculeanca District, Buiucani, Сhisinau), by two bandits Mihai and Andrei. After it I spent several weeks at a hospital, passed the experts comission (expertiza medico-legala) and came out. 
Also last year I was two times beaten and robbed by our moldovan criminal Sergiu Nicanor Mitu. He was accused and imprisoned this year. And I'm in very complicated conditions at the moment. Ţinând cont de faptul că cetăţenii Republicii Moldova pot înainta plângeri către Curtea Europeană a Drepturilor Omului, eu tot demult deja am vrut incep urmarirea penala si sa inaintez acuzari varului meu Abashchin Ghenadie, care 7 ani in urma fabricat dosarul penal contra mea si prietenii mei apropiati. Ajutati-mi va rog sa ma adresez la CEDO: http://www.echr.coe.int/Pages/home.aspx?p=contact&c=
Vreau sa ma adresez inca la IDOM http://idom.md/
si la http://www.ombudsman.md/
Sincerily yours Vladislav Gheorghe Bogaciov. My mobile phone: 078395107, 022-51-26-74.
b/i A03174716, eliberat de of.03 04 octombrie an.2012, Republic of Moldova.
I'll try to be in touch shortly and to write you a detailed request
in order to
 submit an application for a Front Line Defenders Security Grant.

Владислав Богачёв

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