sâmbătă, 25 ianuarie 2014

My open letter to Helsinki Swedish Civil Rights Defenders.

Prolonged conflicts and problems inside LGBT organization in Moldova.

От кого:LGBTQIHR Defender Vlad Bogaciov <lgbt.moldova@gmail.com> 
Копия:fieldchisinau@coe.int, inbox@glhr.org, arcchisinau@state.gov, legal@amnesty.md, iglhrc@iglhrc.org, info@frontlinedefenders.org
Сегодня, 15:36
 Dear Bobbie! 
I'm thinking hard about strategies for dealing with the problems which were arised in our local LGBT community.
Some aspects of my situation I highlighted in my release (my open letter) to Alexei Petrovici Marcicov (LGBT leader from Moldova about my problems). "About LGBT and human rights in the Republic of Moldova from poor homeless HR defender..." that was intended to be read by a wide audience -http://lgbtmoldova.blogspot.com/2014/01/my-open-letter-to-alexei-petrovici.html
For 9 years I'm a poor homeless HR defender, who lives in conditions of extreme poverty and two years I've been a political prisoner and spent in detention.
I wrote an open letter to Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights Ms. Maria Magdalena SEPÚLVEDA CARMONAaddressed to her, but provided to the public: http://lgbtmoldova.blogspot.com/2014/01/about-moldovan-homeless-people-as-me.html
You're a new person to Moldova and I was impressed that your priorities are democracy & development - focus on human rights!
I looked thru your pages:
Yesterday I talked to Larisa Dumbrava, who is a secretary of Head of the OSCE Mission to Moldova to OSCE new office (75 Mateevici str., Chisinau) about about my conflict with local LGBT athorities.
two days ago I discussed it with Irina Druta at Amnesty international Moldova new office.
But a week ago to Prime Minister Iurie Leanca legal adviser Elena Tabacaru at Government Anteroom.
Our local LGBT organization in Moldova "Genderdoc-M" http://www.lgbt.md/eng/ doesn't meet new higher standart of LGBTQI inside integrity worldwide such as: LGBT literature coverige overall, US Army force and NATO limited military contingent in Moldova, freedom to gay people everywhere, LGBT-ization of all countries WorldWide, promotion of Global Gay Governance.
I'll try to send you a detailed request about the letter (application form) for immigration support grant, emergency HRD grant or Security Grant shortly.
Tomorrow I'd like to meet you and to talk to you about emergency security support grant for me as for suffered LGBT defender in Moldova.
Sincerily yours Vladislav Gheorghe Bogaciov. My mobile phone: 078395107.
b/i A03174716, eliberat de of.03 04 octombrie an.2012, Republic of Moldova.

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