sâmbătă, 10 mai 2014

Message of the SIS Director addressed to the visitors of www.sis.md

WELCOME to the official website
of the Security and Intelligence Service!

Proceeding from the requirement -consensually accepted by many chancelleries of consolidated democracies- that competences of a secret /intelligence service are specific by definition- ,the process of continuous communication with the large public and policy-makers constitutes the basic promoter in the successful evolution of the changes initiated in our country.

In accordance with the provisions of the draftStrategy on reforming the Security and Intelligence Service of the Republic of Moldova,the objectives set by the institution can be enforced only if they are acknowledged and supported by the whole society. A major functionin this respectis exercised by strategic communication and plenary use of public relation techniques and methods.

The current reform of the SIShas generated heated discussion in society, often contradictory, on the topic of ensuring institutional transparency and democratic control over the institution that I am honoured to lead.

Permanent increase of society's expectations towards SIS, forces us to review the activities, as well as the communication capacities,requiring the extension and enhancement of dialogue programs so as to know and understand the institution's agenda proceeding from components of public interest.

As Director I commit, as primary objective, to increase the accountability of the Security and Intelligence Service towards society,as well as to expand the institutional positions in public area.

Including by launching this site, we will work towards ensuring cohesion between SIS and society,promoting a coherent, trustworthy and flexible dialogue related to informative policies in the field of ensuring the security in the state – the Republic of Moldova!

With respect and devotion,

Ambassador Mihai BALAN
                                                                               SIS Director

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