marți, 13 mai 2014

Time to be yourself! This is the slogan of the 13th Moldovan LGBT Pride Festival “Rainbow over the Dniester” taking place in Chișinău between 13 and 18 May 2014
This year, the Pride Festival lasts for 6 days full of different activities but united under a common slogan. The festival organisers will turn to the LGBT community, as well as the generul public, with the appeal to be themselves. “Enough with the bigotry and hypocrisy, enough with fears, prejudices and stereotypes. It is time to come out of the closet and, without hiding one’s true self, to live in harmony with oneself and the surrounding world. In other words, it is time to be you, to be happy,” says the Chairman of the GENDERDOC-M Information Centre Alexei Marciciov.

of the 13th Moldovan LGBT Pride Festival
Rainbow over Dniester
13 May, Tuesday
11:00 – 12:00 Press conference, IPN Press Agency, Press House, 22 Pushkin Street.
14:00 – 15:00 Rainbow Flag-Raising Ceremony, GENDERDOC-M Office.
19:00 – 21:30 Film screening My Child (Turkey, 2012), Odeon Cinema, 55 Mihai Eminescu Street. Language: Turkish with Romanian subtitles.
14 May, Wednesday
14:00- 18:00 Human Library, B. P. Hașdeu Library, 148 Ștefan cel Mare Boulevard.
19:00 – 21:00 Film screening Patrik, Age 1.5 (Sweden, 2008), Odeon Cinema, 55 Mihai Eminescu Street. Language: Swedish with Romanian subtitles.
15 May, Thursday
11:00 – 12:00 Flower-laying ceremony at the Monument of Victims of Repressions, Calea Orheiului Street.
14:00 – 18:00 Workshop Norm Critical Approach, Civil Rights Defenders Office, 67 Șciusev Street.
21:00 – 03:00 LGBT Pride Celebration Night, FARAON Club, 42 Moscova Boulevard.
16 May, Friday
10:00 – 16:00 Conference Is Moldova Regional Champion in Ensuring LGBT Rights?, FLOWERS Hotel, 7 Anestiade Street.
20:00 – 23:00 KONTRA-DIKTORIU. Art against homophobia and transphobia. An open-air event, FLAT SPACE, 68 București Street.
17 May, Saturday
19:00 – 22:00 Film screening Blue Is the Warmest Colour (France, 2013), Tipografia 5, 45 Vlaicu Pârcălab Street. Language: French with Romanian subtitles.
22:00 – 03:00 Queer U, Chișinău Party, Tipografia 5, 45 Vlaicu Pârcălab Street.
18 May, Sunday
19:00 – 21:00 Theatre performance Dear Moldova, Can We Kiss Just a Little Bit?, teatru- spălătorie, 72 Mihai Eminescu Street. Language: Romanian and Russian with Russian supertitles. Tickets: 40, 60 and 80 lei.
22:00 – 03:00 Safer Sexual Behaviour Promotion Party, GoldBar (2, Decebal Street).
Note: the Rainbow over the Dniester festival organisers intend to hold the March for Equality. Its day, place and time will be announced additionally after the relevant decision by the local authorities. We are hopeful that the Mayor and the City Council of Chișinău will not allow themselves to breach the legislation of the Republic of Moldova, i.e. they will not discriminate against the LGBT community representatives in exercising their right to the freedom of assembly.
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