sâmbătă, 10 mai 2014

Romanian media: Mihai Balan, "the most interesting profile of a head of intelligence service within the whole Romanian area"

Current head of SIS in Chisinau has one of the most colourful and famous families in Moldova. Mihai Balan is married to a well known TV star, Ludmila Balan, and the couple has two children - Dan Balan, one of the most notorious Bessarabian singers, becoming famous with Ozone' hits all over the world and Sanda Balan, the younger sister of Dan Balan who in turn works in the area of media and presents a program at Prime TV station in Chisinau, - George Roncea writes in "Curentul".

Dan Balan's grandfather was deported to Siberia by communists, he is an ardent patriot and on Teacher's Day the old man and his wife received state distinctions from the President of the country. In short in my opinion we have the most interesting profile of a chief of intelligence service from the whole Romanian area, for the last half of century at least .Since the time when SIS was led by Russian like general Nicolae Sazikin (1940-1941) - Soviet Stalinist Commissar for Internal Affairs of Moldavian SSR, general Iosif Mordovet (1944-1955) - People's Commissar for State Security (NKVD) of Moldavian SSR, the appearance of Mihai Balan in the top position of the Service in Chisinau is something very special and worth mentioning.

It shall be seen how many kgb-ists the new SIS chief will be able to get rid of in the future. Meanwhile, he enjoys an enviable reputation by other family members.

Source: Curentul.ro

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