luni, 31 martie 2014

Colegii mei de la lucru meu unde eu-s voluntar au fost in sat, dar pe mine nu m-au luat. Subotnic cu soare la tanti Lena în Țânțăreni.

Miroase a primăvară! Subotnic cu soare la tanti Lena în Țânțăreni. Sughiț bun lui Vladislav, Virginia, Lilia, Alina, Claude și alții pomeniți de bine azi. (5 fotografii)

Petru Bordian - X TE IUBESTE 18 ani, G.G, МолдоваUltima vizită: ieri 20:49

Pride House Vancouver Revisited

We are very excited to be having another screening of Beyond Gay in Vancouver, commemorating its premiere here at Pride House during the 2010 Winter Olympics. This screening is taking place during the 2014 Winter Olympics on February 22nd at 9 PM and it is being hosted by Reel Causes and our friends at the SFU Woodwards Cultural Unit. In addition to Beyond Gay, at 7 PM there will also be a screening of Born This Way, a fascinating look at the lives of LGBT people living in Cameroon Africa, co-presented by the Human Rights Watch Traveling Film Festival and Reel Causes. Both screenings are free and will be held at the GoldCorp Centre for the Arts at SFU Woodwards, 149 West Hastings.
February 22nd is the last weekend of the games in Russia and we sincerely hope that the Olympics in Scohi are free of violence, and that our event will be an important moment to reflect upon the issues of LGBT rights worldwide that were successfully highlighted as a result of the games.  Wishing safe travels to the LGBT delegations from the City of Vancouver and elsewhere that are working to rid the games of LGBT discrimination and establish a Pride House at all future Olympic games.

Rings and Rainbow image courtesy of Christopher Stribley.



  1. God Loves Uganda will be playing in Vancouver April 15th. Get your tickets at next week.
  2. Reminder of tomorrow night's screening along with Born This Way presented by Reel Causes and SFU Woodward's.
  3. Human Rights Watch Traveling Film Festival at SFU Woodward's Opening Night Thursday Feb. 20 7 PM. FREE screening...
  4. The Human Rights Watch Traveling Film Festival | SFU Woodward's Cultural Programs
  5. Screening tonight in Vancouver of Foster Boy. A Swiss film that has won many awards! Come check it out with me.
  6. Retweeted by
    Tim & Mo with Andrey, owner of Sochi's gay bar. It's official-definitely gay people in Sochi.