joi, 27 martie 2014

Join our network of grantmakers making a difference in LGBTQ communities

  • LGBT Issues. de Vladislav Gheorghe Bogaciov 
  •  The efforts of Funders for LGBTQ Issues are made possible by the support of our members. Our work is done in partnership with a variety of individuals throughout the philanthropic sector. We encourage you to JOIN TODAY and add your support to our growing community of grantmakers making a difference in LGBTQ communities.
  • About Us Working side-by-side with funders and our movement’s organizations through three decades, Funders for LGBTQ Issues remains the sole organization dedicated exclusively to increasing institutional giving to LGBTQ communities.
    Funders for LGBTQ Issues seeks to mobilize philanthropic resources that enhance the well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer communities, promote equity, and advance racial, economic and gender justice.
    An empowered and functioning democracy with full equality under the law, equal access to services, unconditional respect for difference and the meaningful participation of all communities at tables where decisions are made.
    We seek to accomplish our mission by: Serving as a resource for grant makers and community groups to increase and strengthen institutional giving to LGBTQ communities. For 30 years, we have studied, shaped and strengthened LGBTQ grantmaking by convening and educating funders, providing reliable research on institutional funding patterns, and disseminating information on issues relevant to our communities.
    Providing regular and reliable research on philanthropy about—and to—LGBTQ communities. Our comprehensive research efforts allow us to track foundation giving in the US, ensuring that LGBTQ funders remain attuned to their constituencies and that their giving reaches diverse populations and the issues they prioritize.
    Bringing together and broadening the base of LGBTQ funders to improve grant making and organizational capacity for LGBTQ rights, including racial, economic and gender justice. Since our inception, we have ensured that grantmakers have an organized space to discuss LGBTQ grantmaking, learn about each other and the field, share resources and ideas, and hold one another accountable to increasing foundation giving to our communities.
    Financial information
    Independent Audit (PDF)
    Form 990 (PDF)
    Independent Audit (PDF)
    Form 990 (PDF)
    Independent Audit (PDF)
    Form 990 (PDF)
    Independent Audit (PDF)
    Form 990 (PDF)

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