duminică, 16 februarie 2014

About 100 persons participated in the event titled “LGBT for Traditional Values”, including GENDERDOC-M staff members and volunteers.

Pride-2013 : March “LGBT for Traditional Values” successfully occurred in Moldova
Today, 19 May, for the first time in the history of Moldovan LGBT movement an LGBT rally and march took place during the Pride Festival “Rainbow over the Dniester”. About 100 persons participated in the event titled “LGBT for Traditional Values”, including GENDERDOC-M staff members and volunteers, the Dutch Member of EU Parliament Marije Cornelissen, representatives of Moldovan civil society, Embassies of Sweden, United States, United Kingdom, Italy and others, OSCE Mission to Moldova, Council of Europe, EU Delegation to Moldova, various departments of UN Office in Moldova, friends and allies of LGBT people.

   Pride-2013 : Day five: Strength is in partnership. Part 2
The penultimate day of the Rainbow over the Dniester 2013 Festival promised to be rich in events. In the first half of Saturday, 18 May, in a conference room of one of Chişinău hotels began the four-hour conference dedicated to the 15th anniversary of GENDERDOC-M Information Centre. Representatives of almost all partner organizations, who the Moldovan centre had cooperated over the years, were invited to participate in the event. In the evening, guests and participants of the pride festival had the chance to get acquainted with the work of the wonderful teatru-spălătorie theatre company by watching performance “Dragă Moldova, putem să ne pupăm puţin de tot?”

   Pride-2013 : Day five: Strength is in partnership. Part 1
The penultimate day of the Rainbow over the Dniester 2013 Festival promised to be rich in events. In the first half of Saturday, 18 May, in a conference room of one of Chişinău hotels began the four-hour conference dedicated to the 15th anniversary of GENDERDOC-M Information Centre. Representatives of almost all partner organizations, who the Moldovan centre had cooperated over the years, were invited to participate in the event. In the evening, guests and participants of the pride festival had the chance to get acquainted with the work of the wonderful teatru-spălătorie theatre company by watching performance “Dragă Moldova, putem să ne pupăm puţin de tot?”

   Pride-2013 : Day Four: How Moldovan society learns tolerance
The next day of the Festival “Rainbow over the Dniester 2013” fell on Friday, May 17th, when the world marks the International Day against Homophobia. On this occasion, GENDERDOC-M staff, representatives of Moldovan LGBT community and human rights activists from different countries gathered at two events that demonstrate a certain degree of tolerance of Moldovan society.

   Pride-2013 : Day Three: Down with prejudices!
15 years ago, with its mere establishment, GENDERDOC-M Information Centre began breaking down stereotypes and views of post-Soviet population on the surrounding ambience. One of the most “sincere” discoveries for society was attempts of gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender individuals to declare themselves and come out to a peaceful demonstration within the Festival “Rainbow over the Dniester”. However, activists have in stock other opportunities to break down prejudices. For example, by carrying out educational and information seminars or by organizing so-called Human Libraries.

   Pride-2013 : Day Two: To accept, one needs to learn and understand
It has long been proven that the more truthful and correct information is provided to society the more open, friendly and tolerant it becomes. The organisers of the Festival “Rainbow over the Dniester 2013” decided to devote the second day of pride event to educational and information activities. They also decided to show that the statistics, saying that allegedly 95 percent of our compatriots have homophobic attitudes, simply lies.

   Pride-2013 : Day One: Rainbow flag raising, wedding and same-sex family in the eyes of photographer
Tuesday, 14 May, saw official opening of the 12th LGBT Community Pride Festival in Moldova “Rainbow over the Dniester”. Traditionally, Pride whose slogan this year was “Partnership is a key success!” kicked off with a press conference and solemn rainbow flag-rosining ceremony symbolizing diversity, unity and equality.

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