miercuri, 19 februarie 2014

Prolonged conflict & case of discrimination inside LGBT organization in Moldova.

Prolonged conflict instead inside integrity?
От кого:LGBTQIHR Defender Vlad Bogaciov <lgbt.moldova@gmail.com> 
Копия:claude.cahn@one.un.org, ccahn@ohchr.org, claude.cahn@undp.org, taniakebak@gmail.com, Gaina Alex <alex-gaina@yandex.ru>
Сегодня, 19:03
Hi dear Claude!
I was pleased of our today's meeting at dinner at Le Roy.
Hope to see you at 16-00 at UNDP.
I remain as a year ago a poor homeless person.
As you're of deeply consideration of LGBT and HR issues in Moldova I'd like to inform you about my conflict with our local LGBT organization's leader Alexei Marchkov.
It could be discussed and during your tomorrow's conference with Civil Rights Defenders.
Today leader of Moldovan LGBT Alexei Marchkov deni...
"My open letter to Helsinki Swedish Civil Rights Defenders".
This discussion was continued:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: LGBTQIHR Defender Vlad Bogaciov <lgbt.moldova@gmail.com>
Date: 17 February 2014 18:24
Subject: Prolonged conflict & case of discrimination inside LGBT organization in Moldova.
To: dstraisteanu@interights.org
Cc: oxanagumennaya@gmail.com, lidyaropot@gmail.com, ana.furtuna@nediscriminare.md, elena.nofit@nediscriminare.md, marcel.moraru@nediscriminare.md, chisinau@civilrightsdefenders.org, arcadie.astrahan@undp.org, alina.grigoras@one.un.org, bobbie.traut@civilrightsdefenders.org


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