sâmbătă, 22 februarie 2014

Fwd: My professional resume, CV and bio-data for position of assistant.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Slavic Right <wsnidtfbw@gmail.com>
Date: 22 October 2013 15:41
Subject: My professional resume, CV and bio-data for position of assistant.
To: nediscriminare@gmail.com
Cc: marcel.moraru@nediscriminare.md

Curriculum Vitae
(professional resume, CV and bio-data)
Personal details:
Date of birth: 31.07.1969
Nationality: Moldovan
Status: sinle
Languages known: Russian, Romanian, English
PC operator (user), WEB Developer.

Educational Qualifications:
Chisinau high scool # 3 and #28. from 1976 till 1986. Absolvit cu medalia de argint.
Кишинёвский Пединститут,
Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat "Ion Creangă" din Chisinău:
http://www.upsc.md/ from 1986 till 1992. “Psihogia si invatamintul primar, clasele primare.
Badapest Bank LLC. Hungary – Budapest. Pefectianarea si masterat International financial management and banks. 1995.

Project profile (work history):

Raionul Rybitsa, teatcher of music. 1987.

Cooperativa “COMPLEX” Chisinau. Contabil-sef. An. 1989-90.

Intreprinderea mica “AJUTOR. Constructie. Contabil-sef. 1990-1991.

Раньше я был успешным финансовым менеджером...
Имел офшор в Штатах "Bonnet Traders Group Inc." в Делаваре.
Счета в нескольких европейских банках,
в том числе в Budapest Bank (http://www.budapestbank.hu/),
в Banco do Estado de São Paulo S.A. - BANESPA
и в Латвийском Риетуму (http://www.rietumu.com/).

KIBC, “Product-USA” manager de finante. 1991-1992.

“Transeatic International” SRL, Director-adjunct. 1992-1993.

International Bussines Development Association. President from 1996 till 2000.
Actionar la Fincombank. Был акционером Финансово-Торгового Банка А.О. (FinComBank):
St. Nicholas Informative Program. Moldova. From 2000 till now.
La momentul dat:
Arcadie Astrahan UNDP, Progamul Sanatatii Mentale. Grupul de ajutor reciproc, volontier la momentul dat.
Also I’m a volontier at projects “Awareness raising campaign - Contributing to the respect of LGBT human rights in Moldova” & Coordinator regional (Outreach coordinator. Not-paid job). http://www.lgbt.md/eng/

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